From The Editors – January

January 23, 2023
What are your favorite winter-time sports?
I’ll have to say that the best winter-time sport is skiing. It is honestly just a good time and once you learn the basics, you are pretty much set. It’s exhilarating to ride down the steep hills with the wind hitting across your face and the light snow flaking around you as you create a path for yourself. And, of course, a reading or movie marathon is pretty great too. 🙂
I would say that the best winter-time sport is also skiing. It’s not only fun but you can also do it with friends and/or family. It’s a great way to get out there, and enjoy the snow. It’s exhilarating, breathtaking, fun, and overall a great sport. Skiing is for beginners as well as pros, so it’s fun for everyone.