Flagstaff Flooding Update

November 15, 2022
Previously on the Dragon Spectrum, we discussed the flooding that affected the Middle School side of school at the end of September. Click here if you want to read our first article!
The construction teams have been dedicated to putting in the pipes and ripping out the floor in the rooms that were affected and they are attempting to dry out the mud and dirt. If they are able to do this, then the two classrooms that were most affected, Ms. Frazier’s and Ms. Miller’s will be open much sooner, possibly by February! But if they are unable to then the classrooms might not be open until around April.
The current solution for the classroom closures are portables. Portables have been put on the middle school basketball courts. They will be open hopefully the week of November 14th, but they need to be first inspected by safety officials to ensure that the fire protection and other safety measures are in place as they should be.
The MS art room and the MS resource room are now all the way open and are being used by classes. And the rooms were inspected by structural engineers and were deemed safe!
The parking lot was ripped out and has puddles. Currently, they are trying to dry it out. If the dirt doesn’t dry out then they will replace the dirt and then repave it. But if the dirt does dry out then they will just repave the parking lot. This and the new portables is why the driveline currently has a different route then normal.
Fortunately, the workers are working very hard to make all of this happen as quickly as possible!