Haiti Earthquake

Katelin Vonfeldt, Editor in Chief

After days of devastation from a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in Haiti over 2,000 people died and more than 12,000 were injured. “Around 53,000 homes were completely destroyed in the quake, with about 77,000 more damaged”. People are frantically searching for food, water and survivors. The earthquake took place on Aug 18, at 10:47 AM 2021, and the tension rises as “doctors are struggling to treat more than 12,200 people who have been injured. Hundreds are still missing, and presumed trapped under the rubble”.

“We are preparing for a public health disaster,” says Nadesha Mijoba of the Haitian Health Foundation. The US army is now working on preparing a field hospital in Les Cayes. “The US and British Navy are also each sending ships to help with rescue and recovery efforts”. But the Haitian people still hold on to hope for their country.