February is the border between winter and spring, a month of change, love, and joyfulness. Let’s spread some of that love and joy with the February birthdays!
6th Grade:
2/02 Nathanael K
2/11 Reed H
2/12 Mia C
2/26 Sophia M
7th Grade:
2/02 Jiayi P
2/07 Ayana M
2/10 Isabelle P
2/16 Lucy A
2/16 Claire A
2/18 Aric D
2/20 Ivy S
2/29 Madison H
8th Grade:
2/05 Porter B
2/09 Silas S
2/12 Urvi D
2/17 Leah H
2/23 Levi S
2/25 Dominic T
2/26 Hayley O
2/27 Holden B
2/28 Russell D
Cites – https://newberryccrc.com