Cheesy Jokes – January
Q: What is a spider’s New Year’s resolution?
A: To spend less time on the web.
Q: What does every new year have in store for us?
A: Another 365 days!
Q: Last year, I was able to keep all of my New Year’s resolutions..
A: ..tucked away in a journal on my bookshelf.
Q: What should people never eat on New Year’s Eve?
A: Firecrackers!
Q: Where do you go to do math homework on New Year’s?
A: Times Square.
Q: What did the cat say on New Year’s Eve?
A: Meow.
Q: Why should you put your new calendar in the freezer?
A: To start off the new year in a cool way.
Q: What is corn’s favorite holiday?
A: New Ear’s Day.
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