A documentary by Ema Ryan Yamazaki shows a Japanese School preparing for a school performance. The documentary starred a 1st grader who wanted to achieve her goal of a lead part in the performance. The 1st grade class was performing “Ode to Joy” for the next set of 1st graders.
All of the students were dedicated to this performance, giving it their best effort. At the start of the day, the students stood outside of the school greeting each other. Inside, all of the students were expected to be on time and ready for class. The students help clean their classrooms and hallways. Keeping their school clean. Students are supportive of each other and caring. When it comes to school work the teachers are harder on the students. They expect them to work at home, and they push the students to their best.
After trial and error the 1st grader got a part playing the cymbal. She worked hard to perfect the instrument and the timings. The teachers are strict but only have their best interests in mind. They push the students to success. By the end of the documentary the students all are playing “Ode to Joy” beautifully, inspiring the next class of 1st graders.
We can learn alot from this school. It’s okay to be pushed to your limits. This allows you to grow and try something new. In our own school we could help clean up, making a better environment for all of us.
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