7th grade Social Studies classes have been learning about yellow journalism as they journey further into their “America Becomes A World Power” Unit. Yellow journalism is a term used for news media that describes events in an exaggerated fashion and often contain gruesome details in an effort to attract readers. On February 15th, 1898, the USS Maine, a huge American battleship sent to Cuba to monitor its capital, exploded at harbor. The disaster was likely triggered by an accident in the vessel’s steam-powered mechanics, but news media blamed it on the Spanish, which occupied Cuba at the time. Students have created yellow journalism news articles, set in 1898, that exaggerate the incident and hold Spain responsible for it. Here are a few of the most amazing and creative student submissions that we received:
Sierra Adams-
February 29, 1898
U.S.S Maine in flames, Spanish Guilty.
A little over a week ago America’s beloved ship known as the U.S.S Maine went up in flames and was destroyed in Havana Bay. This may seem impossible but we know exactly who committed this horrible act killing over 250 crew. The enemy. It is clear that the Spanish/enemy conducted this as an attempt to push us down till we are no longer in condition to fight for Cuban independence. Sure they will try and deny it but we have clear evidence. It was an elaborate plan which was all started with what is known to the enemy as tacos flameantes, or in english flaming tacos. The Spanish created clever costumes to disguise themselves as our food delivery service for the U.S.S. instead of food they cleverly placed many tacos into a box. These were not normal tacos though, with the click of a button they would burst into flames and create an explosion big enough to take out multiple ships at once. We aren’t aware of what peppers and hot sauce the Spanish used to create this weapon but maybe that’s for the better. After delivering to us what seemed to be our normal food rations, the Maine quickly went up in flames. The Spanish are getting stronger and more powerful by the minute. Cubans are at their final chances of getting independence and our American territory throughout Cuba is at great risk. The Spanish already took out over 250 crew members with ease and if we don’t act now we will end up just like the Cubans with the Spanish ruling over us. No one wants war but in this moment we must come to the realization, we need it.
Isabelle Pipp-
February 24, 1898
The Spanish Attack
The USS Maine, a 600 foot brand new battleship, exploded while it was in Havana Bay, Cuba late at night on February 15, 1898. This warship was said to be impossible to destroy, but the Spanish found a way to demolish the ship as well as kill 260 out of our 300 sons, and husbands that were on board at the time of the explosion. These 3 Spanish men were let on board disguised as poor cleaners in need of a job, when in reality they were rich men who were sent by Valeriano Weyler – the Spanish general – to destroy the Maine and ruin our chances to take over Cuba and steal our $100 million dollars worth of trading. While they were “cleaning,” they snuck into the kitchen and put 4 small bombs in the fireplace and covered them with ash and logs so that they couldn’t be seen. Later that night when the cooks tried to start the fire, the bombs were set off. The explosives would not have been big enough to destroy the whole ship, but the boiler room was right underneath the kitchen. The bombs, with the help of the boiler room, made an explosion big enough to destroy the whole battleship. The Spanish men got off the boat in Havana Bay saying that they needed to go and make sure that the Maine was fully secured to the dock. When the bomb went off, the 3 Spanish men were long gone on a small boat that was put there to make sure they were out of Havana Bay before the bombs went off and destroyed the ship.
We need to get revenge for our loved ones that were killed in the destruction of the Maine. In order for this to never happen again, we need to show the enemy who’s boss. We need to go to war with Spain. Going to war will protect our trading with Cuba. Making sure Spain does not take over Cuba will also give us more territory in the Pacific. Although war is scary for many people, we need to protect our land, money and citizens. Our Navy and Army are highly trained and prepared for anything. We can count on them to win Cuba back and keep Spain away.
Stella Ruyle-
The date is February 15, 1898. The air is still, like it’s holding its breath. Suddenly, the silence is shattered with a BOOM. The USS Maine, which was peacefully at anchor in Havana harbor, had exploded. 260 of the 350 sailors on board were dead. Something was off about this explosion, though. How could a well-working ship just suddenly explode? The answer lies in Spain.
The people of Cuba had been beaten and tortured by the people of Spain for years, their land and their lives had been taken away by the power-hungry Spaniards. And when America tried to help Cuba out, the Spanish turned on America. Even though they kept quiet, the Spanish had a plan. They trained doves and pigeons to fly over to the Maine. There, a Spanish spy aboard the ship sprinkled the boiler room with bird seed coated in hazardous chemicals. The pigeons swooped in through the window, on top of the boilers, and ate the bird seed. They then pooped out the hazardous chemicals, which became even more toxic when mixed with pigeon excrement. The excrement then melted through the metal and plopped into the boiling water, causing a chemical reaction, making the water foam and bubble until they exploded, one by one. Along with the emaciated corpses found in the water, hundreds of smoked pigeon bodies were discovered floating in the bay. The bloodthirsty Spaniards murdered our sons and our husbands, our fathers and our uncles, yet America decides not to do anything about it. We need to rise up and avenge our loved ones, and free the poor Cubans from their eternal torture. The time is now to rise!