Many Flagstaff middle school students went on a three day overnight trip at the CSU mountain campus. To get some insight on how the trip was, we interviewed students who went to Sky Ranch, Pingree, or did not go at all.
Sky Ranch Responses –
What was the highlight of the trip?
Kira B.: “Making candles that smell good was the highlight of the trip.”
Anonymous: “The hike was the highlight of the trip because we saw the B-17 and it was very cool.”
Bryce B.: “The highlight of the trip was having really good sleep.”
Overall, how was the experience?
Kira Brannon: “The experience was pretty good. I really enjoyed sleeping in the cabins, and hiking while talking with my friends.”
Anonymous: “Overall the trip was an 8/10 because I did not really like the food, especially because it gave me a stomach ache. Yet, the basketball court was very fun because my friends were there.”
Bryce B.: “Overall, the experience was fun but not something I would want to repeat. Mainly because hiking for a full day is not very fun, in my opinion.”
How has this discovery trip impacted you as a person?
Kira Brannon: “The trip has made me more conscious of the nature around me, and has made me value the outdoors more. It made me enjoy and like long hikes, as well as made me a better person.”
Anonymous: “The trip made me realize how much my friends impact me and my heart. It impacted how I think because of the lessons that were taught.”
Bryce B.: “This trip has not impacted me as a person. Though I did learn how to make a simple candle and fire. I also learned that heavy walking sticks will crack vertically before they actually snap into pieces.”
Pingree Responses –
What was the highlight of the trip?
Abhay R: “The highlight of the trip was the hike because the view was very nice.”
Anonymous: “The highlight of the trip was the ropes course because I enjoyed the big swing and zipline.”
Anonymous: “The highlight of the trip was the rocks and ropes course. Mainly because it was very fun yet challenging at the same time.”
Mathew F.: “The highlight of the trip was the cabins. I liked them because we played lots of UNO and stayed up later which was fun.”
Overall, how was the experience?
Abhay R: “The experience was good. I liked all of the activities and did the ropes course which was very fun, mostly because it was thrilling. I also did geocaching, but it was not as fun as some of the other activities.”
Anonymous: “Overall the trip was fun.”
Anonymous: “Overall, the whole trip was very fun and more exciting than last year.”
Mathew F.: “Overall it was an awesome experience. This has impacted me because I learned how to overcome fears on the leap of faith.”
How has this discovery trip impacted you as a person?
Abhay R: “The trip impacted me as a person because although I got injured I learned perseverance.”
Anonymous: “The Pingree trip has impacted me as a person because it made me realize I enjoy heights and new thrills.”
Anonymous: “This trip has impacted me as a person because it made me more open to challenges and taught me to take care of myself.”
Mathew F.: “The discovery trip has impacted me as a person because it taught me a lot about myself.”
Non-Goer Interviews –
What did you do if you did not go?
Adyson H.: “I was in California for a wedding, which is why I did not go.”
Ace T.: “I didn’t go because I did not enjoy it last year.”
Maranda C.: “I did not go because my parents did not let me go.”
Was it fun?
Adyson H.: “I enjoyed it as it was on the beach. It was fun.”
Ace T.: “I stayed back and went to school to do academics. At school we made lots of friendship bracelets, and we did worksheets.”
Maranda C.: “It was fun to stay back, we made smores, made candles, and played outside as well as doing school work.”
Would you like to go?
Adyson H.: “I would have loved to go, I would go on the ropes course If I went.”
Ace T.: “If I had a better experience from the year before I would have gone.”
Maranda C.: “I would have liked to go because my friends went. I would just like to know what it is like to be up there.”