Local Newspaper Struggle
February 6, 2023
Over the past 18 years, the United States has lost over 2,500 printed newspapers, a quarter of the newspapers in the United States. Small newspapers have been dying out due to competition from larger newspapers, a decrease in viewers, and staffing shortages. News outlets mainly rely on advertisers for revenue. Larger TV news networks are able to engage with larger advertisers, who pay them more money. These TV networks will either tweak their stories or seek out more polarized advertisers. People want to hear their opinions be said as true, which means the networks get more viewers. Journalists often apply for jobs at larger networks for better pay and working hours. This leaves many small towns without reliable, local news coverage. These places are often called news deserts. Local newspapers that still remain often use stories from larger newspapers (such as the New York Times) or recycle older stories. Some stories are even as old as 2010!
Our Longmont Times Call has been facing this problem too. Subscribing, getting someone else a subscription, donating, placing an advertisement, and engaging to and with local newspapers are small ways to help. Another way is to tell others, especially local officials, that this problem is a priority.