From the Editors- September

September 20, 2022
How do you feel the school year is going so far?
I feel the school year is going pretty well so far. Science is definitely my favorite class, and Journalism is right behind it. I’m hoping this school year, Journalism gives me a chance to express my ideas on a bigger platform, and continue learning new things. This school year I am also very excited for the STEM Fair, and looking forward to trying to get past Regionals. Overall I think the school year will go a lot smoother than last year because this is now my second year in Middle School, meaning I now know my way around a lot better.
The school year has been going well. All of my teachers and classes are amazing, and I am super happy with the classes that I’ve got. For this school year, I hope to continue to discover many, many new things and meet new people. I am very excited about all the amazing activities and opportunities we will get this school year. This year is off to a great start and I hope it continues that way.