Winter Parades & Festivals

December 11, 2021
Longmont Lights is on Friday, December 10 at 5pm, 700 Longs Peak Ave. You can take a walk around Roosevelt Park. There will be hot cocoa carts, hot air balloon lights, Santa’s Workshop, costumed characters, fire pits, and so much more. And don’t miss the fireworks show above the St. Vrain Memorial Building at 7:45pm!
Saturday Parade of Lights (The Merry and Bright Parade) is a parade where people from the community create parade floats and drive down Main Street.
The Festival of Lights at Flagstaff starts at 6:00, there will be cars and trucks lit up, and hot cocoa. You can get candy and hang out with your friends! It’s lots of fun, so make sure to go!
The Winter Dance is on Friday, December 10th. It starts at 6:30, and ends at 8:00. There will be concessions, and there is a $5 entry fee. The theme is Under the Sea, and you can find the permission slip above the lost and found. You give your permission slip to a person at the dance, along with your money. Have fun!