A Letter From Ms. Moskoff

Leha Moskoff, Adviser of the Dragon Spectrum

The Dragon Spectrum staff are incredibly excited to present our first printed issue since February 2020. We all know that the Covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc. Flagstaff Academy’s newspaper was not spared. However, we did find ourselves in a more fortunate position than expected. 


In the winter of 2018, the student journalism members presented a proposal to add a digital platform for our newspaper to Flagstaff’s PTO. The PTO generously funded the proposal and has committed to supporting our efforts in the years that followed. Our online newspaper, fadragonspectrum.com went live in April of 2020, just one month after the country went into lockdown. The 2020-21 journalism staff were so passionate about delivering news to our community that they elected to work on articles, edits, and layout. I use the word elected because Essentials were limited in the remote/hybrid model. Students reduced their Essentials classes from four to only two. These dedicated journalists prioritized reporting to put together a phenomenal digital newspaper out of love and commitment.


This year we are working hard to keep the same standards of reporting current news on our digital platform while also delivering printed newspapers that are famous for their lighthearted articles and games. We will distribute a second printed issue in early January and our final issue of the year in May. In the meantime, please visit fadragonspectrum.com to learn more about the world around you. Our student journalists update frequently so be sure to check our site weekly. 


In gratitude of your readership,

Ms. Leha Moskoff

Adviser of the Dragon Spectrum