Wacky Words and Freaky Phobias: October

Dylan Blackwell, Editor

1.Dentophobia – Fear of teeth falling out
2.  Aa – Basaltic lava forming very rough, jagged masses
3.  Allodoxaphobia – Fear of other people’s opinions
4. Genuphobia – Fear of bare knees
5. Flub – To botch something
6. Kerfuffle – A commotion or fuss, especially one caused by conflicting views
7. Nomophobia – Fear of being without a mobile phone
8. Bibble – To eat and/or drink noisily
9. Sidonglobophobia- The fear of cotton balls
10. Kakorrhaphiophobia – The fear of failure
11. Ragamuffin – Someone who wears scruffy clothes
12. Whippersnapper – A lazy person with no ambitions
13. Heliophobia – Fear of sunlight
14. Xocolatophobia – Fear of chocolate
15. Chirophobia – Fear of hands


30 Weird English Words You Won’t Believe Exist!