History of October

October 5, 2021
October 1, 1946: Twelve Nazi leaders were sentenced to death at the International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany.
October 2, 1935: Mussolini’s Italian troops invaded Abyssinia, beginning an occupation lasting until 1941.
October 3, 1863: President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.
October 4, 1830: Belgium gained its independence, after having been a part of the Netherlands since 1815.
October 5, 1908: Bulgaria proclaimed its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
October 6, 1928: Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek became president of the Republic of China upon the introduction of a new constitution.
October 7, 1765: The Stamp Act Congress convened in New York City with representatives from nine colonies meeting in protest to the British Stamp Act which imposed the first direct tax by the British Crown upon the American colonies.
October 8, 1871: The Great Fire of Chicago erupted. According to legend, it started when Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over a lantern in her barn on DeKoven Street. Over 300 people were killed and 90,000 were left homeless as the fire leveled 3.5 square miles, destroying 17,450 buildings. Financial losses totaled over $200 million.
October 9, 1962: Uganda achieved independence after nearly 70 years of British rule.
October 10, 1954: Ho Chi Minh entered Hanoi, Vietnam, after the withdrawal of French troops, in accordance with armistice terms ending the seven-year struggle between Communist Vietnamese and the French.
October 11th:Albert Einstein suggested to FDR that America should develop the Atom Bomb.
October 12th: In 1492, Columbos landed in the Bahamas and named it El Salvador.
October 13th: The New Italian Government declared war on Germany after overthrowing Moussolini in 1943.
October 14th: In 1066, Norman Troops landed and defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings.
October 15th: Nikita Khrushchev is deposed from the head of the Communist Party and is replaced by Leonid Brezhnev in 1964.
October 16th: Queen Marie Antoinette is executed during the Reign of Terror in 1793.
October 17th: The Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history, was fought in the Pacific in 1944.
October 18th: The Nuremberg Trials began in 1945.
October 19th: The British surrendered at Yorktown in 1781, signaling the end of the American Revolution.
October 20th: USA and England agreed to set the Canadian Border at the 49th parallel in 1818.
October 21st: The sea battle of Trafalgar occured in 1805 and stopped Napoleon from invading England.
October 22nd: Hungarian composer Franz Liszt was born in 1811.
October 23rd: In 1956, an uprising in Hungary occurred against the USSR.
October 24th: The United Nations were founded in 1945.
October 25th: Famous painter Pablo Picaso was born in 1881
October 26th: The Erie canal opened in 1825.
October 27th: The New York subway began operating in 1904.
October 28th: Harvard University was founded in 1636.
October 29th: The Stock Market Crashed in 1929, starting the Great Depression.
October 30th: The UK became connected to Europe through the undersea “Chunnel”