Strange Holidays of August

Strange Holidays of August

Katelin VonFeldt, Chief Editor

  1. American family Day
  2. National coloring book Day 
  3. National watermelon Day  
  4. National chocolate chip cookie Day  
  5. National oyster Day 
  6. National root beer float Day  
  7. Purple heart Day  
  8. International cat Day 
  9. National book lovers Day  
  10. National s’mores Day 
  11. National son and daughter Day 
  12. Middle child Day 
  13. National left handers Day  
  14. Comic book Day 
  15. National relaxation Day 
  16. Discovery Day   
  17. Black cat appreciation Day  
  18. National fajita Day  
  19. National potato Day   
  20. National chocolate pecan pie Day 
  21. National senior citizens Day 
  22. Take your cat to the vet Day 
  23. National sponge cake Day 
  24. Kobe Bryant Day 
  25. Banana split Day  
  26. National dog Day 
  27. National just because Day 
  28. Cherry turnover Day 
  29. National lemon juice Day  
  30. National beach Day 
  31. Eat outside Day

