Strange Holidays of August

September 3, 2021
- American family Day
- National coloring book Day
- National watermelon Day
- National chocolate chip cookie Day
- National oyster Day
- National root beer float Day
- Purple heart Day
- International cat Day
- National book lovers Day
- National s’mores Day
- National son and daughter Day
- Middle child Day
- National left handers Day
- Comic book Day
- National relaxation Day
- Discovery Day
- Black cat appreciation Day
- National fajita Day
- National potato Day
- National chocolate pecan pie Day
- National senior citizens Day
- Take your cat to the vet Day
- National sponge cake Day
- Kobe Bryant Day
- Banana split Day
- National dog Day
- National just because Day
- Cherry turnover Day
- National lemon juice Day
- National beach Day
- Eat outside Day