New Teacher Feature

Avalon Beltran, Layout Editor

Ms. Darcy

Q. What grade are you teaching?

A7th grade ELA

Q. Where are you originally from?

A. “I was raised in a military family, so I moved every 2-3 years. I was born in Orlando, Florida, but have lived all over the world!”

Q. What do you like to do in your free time?

A. “In the summer, I love to paddle board and camp, in the winter I love to ski every weekend, and in the spring and fall, I read a lot of books!”

Q. How long have you been teaching (at any school)?

A. “I have been teaching for 5 years. I taught 3 years in 1st grade and 2 years in middle school.”

Q. What college did you go to?

A.UNC – University of Northern Colorado

Q. Anything else you would like to share?

A.“I am so excited to join the Dragon team at Flagstaff! In my short time here, students have impressed me with their integrity and responsibility. Each of my students is so unique and has something amazing to bring to the classroom. I look forward to an awesome year!”