Strange Holidays
May 12, 2021
1st: International Harry Potter Day
2nd: National Brothers and Sisters Day
3rd: National Paranormal Day
4th: National Teacher Day
5th: National Hoagie Day
6th: National Nurses Day
7th: National Space Day
8th: National Coconut Cream Pie Day
9th: Isra and Mi’raj
10th: National Clean Your Room Day
11th: National Third Shift Workers Day
12th: National Receptionists Day
13th: National Apple Pie Day
14th: National Buttermilk Biscuit Day
15th: National Armed Forces Day
16th: Shavuot
17th: National Walnut Day
18th: National No Dirty Dishes Day
19th: National Be a Millionaire Day
20th: National Pizza Party Day
21st: National Maritime Day
22nd: Harvey Milk Day
23rd: National Taffy Day
24th: National Brother’s Day
25th: Towel Day
26th: National Paper Airplane Day
27th: National Hamburger Day
28th: National Brisket Day